HomeMIT Units

Academic & Professional Learning

Non-degree learning resources tailored to the needs of students and working professionals.

MIT is dedicated to advancing knowledge beyond students enrolled in MIT's campus programs. Several units within MIT offer educational opportunities accessible to learners worldwide, catering to a diverse range of needs. There are two types of non-degree learning content: Academic and Professional. Each unit and offering is tagged by content type to help learners choose courses and programs aligned with their learning goals.

Academic Units

MIT's Academic courses, programs, and materials mirror MIT curriculum and residential programs, making these available to a global audience. Approved by faculty committees, Academic content furnishes a comprehensive foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities for students pursuing their academic objectives. Renowned for their rigor and challenge, MIT's Academic offerings deliver an experience on par with the campus environment.

MIT OpenCourseWare
Free open online resources from over 2,500 MIT courses for self-paced learning and classroom teaching.

Courses: 2555

MITx Online
Enabling learners everywhere, from the curious to the professional, to learn for free or join the paid certificate track.

Courses: 240

Programs: 12

Professional Units

MIT's Professional courses and programs are tailored for working professionals seeking essential practical skills across various industries. Led by MIT faculty and maintaining challenging standards, Professional courses and programs prioritize real-world applications, emphasize practical skills and are directly relevant to today's workforce.

MIT Professional Education
Offering lifelong learning opportunities that prepare engineering, science, and technology professionals to address complex industry challenges.

Courses: 120

Programs: 24

MIT Sloan Executive Education
Providing business professionals with critical skills, tools, and frameworks to master their toughest challenges and drive organizational success.

Courses: 92

Developing the workforce of tomorrow with a balance of technical and leadership excellence.

Courses: 63

Programs: 5